Event Logo Image

Presenting Sponsor- $10,000

  • Two tables with VIP seating (seating for 20)
  • Exclusive naming opportunity, your company name and logo featured prominently on all printed and digital event signage
  • Logo on invitations, post-event thank you, and a full-page ad in digital program book
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • Personal champagne service at sponsor table
  • VIP Reception with exclusive access to check-in, bar, silent auction, wine & whiskey pull, and photo booth for all 20 guests
  • Opportunity to speak to all supporters during the event
  • Your pick of one specialty sponsorship add-on at no additional cost


Premier Sponsor- $7,500

  • One table with VIP seating (seating for 10)
  • Digital and printed recognition throughout the venue
  • Logo on invitations, post-event thank you, and a half page ad in digital program book
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • Personal champagne service at sponsor table
  • VIP Reception with exclusive access to check-in, bar, silent auction, wine & whiskey pull, and photo booth for 7 guests
  • Unlock the opportunity to enhance your sponsorship with an exclusive specialty option at a discounted
    rate of $750 off

Gold Sponsor- $5,000

  • One table with VIP seating (seating for 10)
  • Digital and printed recognition throughout the event
  • Logo on invitations, post-event thank you, and a quarter page ad in digital program book
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • VIP Reception with exclusive access to check-in, bar, silent auction, wine & whiskey pull, and photo booth for 5 guests
  • Unlock the opportunity to enhance your sponsorship with an exclusive specialty option at a discounted rate of $500 off


Silver Sponsor- $3,500

  • One table with VIP seating (seating for 10)

  • Digital and printed recognition throughout the event

  • Logo on invitations, post-event thank you, and a quarter page ad in digital program book

  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report

  • VIP Reception with exclusive access to check-in, bar, silent auction, wine & whiskey pull, and photo booth for 5 guests

  • Unlock the opportunity to enhance your sponsorship with an exclusive specialty option at a discounted rate of $500 off.


After Party Sponsor - $5,000

  • Be the host of the most exciting part of the night—the after-party!
  • Receive prominent recognition both in-person and digitally throughout the after party
  • Enjoy the opportunity to contribute ideas to the setlist
  • Have your logo displayed on the dance floor for maximum visibility
  • Create an end of night thank-you gift for guests, such as a chilled plastic water bottle with personalized wrapping
  • Logo on digital program book and post-event thank you
  • Custom end of night text with company name sent to all attendees
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • Seven (7) complimentary tickets


Bar Sponsor - $4,000

  • The exclusive bar sponsor
  • Showcase your brand with creative freedom to craft a unique marketing experience centered around the bar and signature drink offerings
  • Logo on digital program book and post-event thank you
  • Custom text with company name sent to all attendees during the event
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • Five (5) complimentary tickets


Wine & Whiskey Pull Sponsor - $3,000

  • Opportunity to sponsor the signature activity of the Purple Ball (raffle sold out in minutes!)
  • Personalized company tags on each of the wine and whiskey bottles
  • Logo on digital program book and post-event thank you
  • Custom text with company name sent to all attendees during the event
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • Four (4) complimentary tickets

Mission Sponsor - $2,500

  • Enjoy the opportunity to conduct the Fund-The-Mission with our auctioneer
  • Write and design a branded letter that will be placed on each table and shows attendees how much the mission means to your company
  • Logo on digital program book and post-event thank you
  • Custom text with company name sent during the program
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • Three (3) complimentary tickets


Welcome Sponsor - $2,500

  • Activate the potential to be the unforgettable first impression for everyone who walks through the doors (for example, wear your company lab coats while greeting and checking in guests, hand out branded pens, etc.)
  • Logo on digital program book and post-event thank you
  • Custom welcome text with company name sent to all attendees right before registration opens
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • Three (3) complimentary tickets


Dessert Sponsor - $2,500

  • Delight in seeing your logo featured on every dessert served
  • Logo on digital program book and post-event thank you
  • Custom text with company name sent during dinner
  • Recognition on website, social media, and annual report
  • Three (3) complimentary tickets 


Please note all sponsorships must be received by the following print deadlines: 
Invitations, January 31, 2025; Program Book, April 11, 2025

Choose a level below...
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Presenting Sponsor (20 included)
1 Remaining

Premier Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

Gold Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

Silver Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

Table Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

VIP Table Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

After Party Sponsor (7 included)
1 Remaining

Bar Sponsor (5 included)
1 Remaining

Wine and Whiskey Pull Sponsor (4 included)
1 Remaining

Mission Sponsor (3 included)
1 Remaining

Welcome Sponsor (3 included)
1 Remaining

Dessert Sponsor (3 included)
1 Remaining
Registration opens: Thursday, November 7, 2024
Registration closes: Friday, April 18, 2025
I authorize Lupus Foundation of America to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2025 Purple Ball. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.
